
Cosmo Wollan
Director of Business Ops & Programming
Cosmo Wollan has been designing innovative, profit-producing programming for more than 30 years, with clients in Commercial Fitness, Parks & Recreation and Medical Fitness. He is a frequent national conference speaker and webinar presenter for Athletic Business, National Recreation & Parks Association, Medical Fitness Association, Fitness Business Association, and Sara Kooperman's SCW, and is a recognized Subject Matter Expert in profit center development, revenue stream optimization, medical fitness integration, retention strategies, sales training, and health club management. In 2022 he was recognized as a Fellow in the Medical Fitness Association.
...about Cosmo
Beth Eisele
Director of Science & Instructor Training
Beth has been teaching classes and programming group exercise departments for more than 25 years. She started her career on the East Coast as an instructor and quickly became a Regional Group Fitness Director for multiple clubs throughout New York and New Jersey. For the past 13 years she has been based in Southern California, where she has continued in her roles as a Program Director and Group Ex Instructor, while cultivating an expertise in implementing fee-based group fitness programs. Beth has appeared on Fox News as a Fitness Consultant, and owns/operates her own fitness studio where she actively teaches groups with her unique metabolic body programs.
...about Beth